Snyder Blog

How to Apply For SSDI after Age 60

If you are 60 years old or older and would like to apply for social security disability (SSDI), it is important to understand the process. SSDI can provide huge benefits for people with disabilities who are unable to work anymore, even though they have not yet reached the age of

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Workers Injured by Pesticides

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that more than 10,000 and up to 20,000 farmworkers are poisoned on the job because of exposure to pesticides. The exact figure is unknown due to inefficient reporting and tracking procedures as well as the fact that many migrant workers are scared to seek

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How Does an Appeal on SSDI Work?

If your original Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or SSI claim is denied, you may want to appeal. You will receive instructions from the Social Security Administration (SSA), and you will need to follow them. Watch the deadlines to ensure that you do not have to start over. Request for

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What is a 240 Job Offer?

Most workers who suffer injuries that restrict them from carrying out their normal duties at work will no doubt want to recover and return to work as soon as possible. In this respect, one of the intended goals of the Georgia Workers Compensation Act is to allow injured or partially

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Common Injuries for HVAC Workers

Working with an HVAC system is a demanding job, and it can be a very dangerous one. Potentially fatal HVAC hazards including electrocution, exposure to harmful gases and chemicals, and injury caused by falling from heights are all too common, especially if the HVAC is used without proper training and

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The Difference Between SSI and SSDI

Both SSI and SSDI provide cash benefits for the disabled and (in some cases) the poverty-stricken. However, their eligibility requirements drastically vary. SSI is largely referred to as “welfare,” and is bestowed upon low-income individuals. SSDI is simply termed as “social security,” and is directed towards older citizens who have

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Body Signals That Reveal Dangerous Chemical Exposure

Increasing numbers of people are exposed to dangerous chemicals. You can be exposed through either indirect or direct contact and your body has a way of revealing signs that you are at an increased risk. Some may be immediately noticeable, while others take time to reveal themselves. As soon as

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How Long Will It Take for My SSDI Hearing?

Are you one of the many people who have applied for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits and received a rejection? You are not alone; two-thirds of applicants are initially rejected. Government agencies are being more careful in their review, as applications have surged 25% since 2007, and the Social Security

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Workers’ Compensation for Heat-Related Illness

Workers’ compensation laws make employers responsible for providing a safe work environment for their employees. If a worker is injured on the job, then the employer must pay medical expenses and make up for lost pay. During the summer months, this includes providing a place for workers to escape from

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Common Injuries for Transportation Workers

Transportation workers make up the backbone of our nation’s economy. Without truckers to transport crucial goods, postal workers to keep communication flowing, and delivery drivers to move key items, our economy would grind to a halt. Unfortunately, being a transportation worker can also result in accidents and injuries, both because

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