
Auto Accident Troubles Can Continue Long After An Accident

Pick up the newspaper, turn on the Atlanta news, or listen to the radio, and it will not be long before you hear about a serious auto accident clogging area roadways. Often, if it is an up-to-the-minute story, reporters will even give an estimate on how long it will be until the roadways are cleared. But unfortunately for injury victims, it can be months or even years before the effects of their injuries are resolved. That is why anyone in Atlanta who has been injured in a car wreck should contact an Atlanta auto accident attorney as soon as possible.

Insurance companies often want to settle quickly with injury victims of an auto accident. If you’re worried about paying for mounting medical bills, it can be very tempting to jump at the initial settlement offered. However, you should discuss your options with an Atlanta auto accident attorney before accepting any settlement. The extent of your injuries may not even be fully known when the initial offer is made, and you will want to have the assurance that you will be able to pay not only your current medical expenses, but those that will arise in the days, months, or even years ahead.

If you are in the Atlanta area and have been injured in an auto accident, attorney John A. Snyder can help you to discern whether it is in your best interests to accept an insurance company’s offer or if you should pursue further compensation. Contact the Law Office of John A. Snyder today to ensure that you get the help you need for today and for the future.